Archaeology of Western Turkey


Culture | Archaeology | Silk Road

Uncover historical secrets in the west

15 days Ask us for pricing This is the price per person for a private tour (based on 2 people travelling) excluding international flights. Contact us for pricing for other group sizes including individuals.
Intro, Dates & Prices


Journey back in time as you make a fascinating tour of some of the world’s most important archaeological sites. Visit the legendary city of ancient Troy, fascinating Pergamon, Satan’s biblical abode, and the beautiful, slender, coastal-set remains of Ephesus. Explore the mountain city of Sagalassos and the ancient ruins of once-glorious Olympos. Visit Nicaea, where a critical Christian council took place in 325 AD and the fortress of Termessos that withstood Alexander the Great. See the Church of St Nicholas, a man that inspired the stories of Santa Claus and admire the sublime statuary of Aphrodisias.

This tour will help you trace the complex lines of history and entangled civilisations through this bountiful land – from Romans, Byzantines, Persians, Ionians, Seljuks and of course, Ottomans. Finally enjoy excellent cuisine and legendary Turkish hospitality on this trip of a lifetime.


  • The vast remains of the city of Perge
  • The best preserved ancient theatre in the world at Aspendos
  • The mountain city of Sagalassos
  • Termessos, fortress town that withstood Alexander The Great
  • The church where the legend of Santa Claus was born
  • Sublime statuary of Aphrodisias, built to honour Aphrodite
  • Marvel at the beautiful natural landscapes of Pamukkale
  • Laodikeia, home to one of the "Seven Churches of Asia"
  • The spectacular Roman ruins of Ephesus
  • Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, one of 7 wonders of the ancient world
  • The "Abode of Satan", Pergamon
  • Legendary Ancient Troy
  • Nicaea (modern Izmir), birthplace of a unified Christian doctrine
  • UNESCO listed Ottoman village of Cumalizik

Places Visited

Antalya - Perge - Aspendos - ​Termessos - Sagalassos - Burdur - Mount Olympos - Cirali - Demre - Xanthos Letoon - Patara - Dalyan - Aphrodisias - Pamukkale - Hierapolis - Kusadasi - Laodikeia - Ephesus - ​Priene - Miletus - Sardis - Pergamon - Ancient Troy - Çanakkale - Cumalizik - Iznik (a.k.a. Nicaea) - Istanbul

What's Included

Arrival & departure transfers
Ground transport with driver
Domestic flights (if relevant - refer to itinerary)
Meals (refer to itinerary for meal plan)
English-speaking guides
Entrance fees to sites & parks

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Itinerary & Map
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Day 1 : Arrival

Arrive into Antalya where you will be met by a Travel The Unknown representative and transferred to your hotel. Overnight in Antalya.

Overnight in Dogan Hotel, Antalya

Meal plan: n/a

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Day 2 : Perge - Aspendos - Antalya

Today you will visit Perge, Aspendos and the Antalya Archaeology Museum. Overnight in Antalya.

Overnight in Dogan Hotel, Antalya

Meal plan: Breakfast

In the Hellenistic period, Perge (“Perga” in Greek) was one of the most spectacular cities of the Ancient World. It was the capital of Pamphylia, and is home to a Bronze Age acropolis, a vast Roman Gate, baths, and agora, a nymphaeum, a theatre and an enormous stadium. Founded in 1000 BC, it takes its name from the Greek mathematician Apollonius of Perga, for whom the city was a home. 

Aspensdos’ Roman Theatre, built during the reign of Marcus Aurelius is generally believed to be the best preserved ancient theatre anywhere in the world. It was used as a caravanserai by Seljuk traders in the 13th century.

The excellent Antalya Archaeology Museum is a must-see for anyone interested in the rich archeological history of Turkey's Mediterranean coast. The modern province of Antalya includes many important ancient Hellenic, Hellenistic and Roman cities and towns, and other prime archeological sites, and the best artifacts from most of them have been brought here, forming the museum's outstanding collection.

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Day 3 : Termessos - Burdur Museum - Sagalassos

Today you will visit the beautiful remains of Termessos, before continuing to Burdur to visit its remarkable archaeology museum. Later continue to Sagalossos for overnight.

Overnight in Sagalassos Lodge & Spa, Burdur

Meal plan: Breakfast & dinner

Termessos is an ancient Pisidian city inside a magnificent national park, and situated at an altitude of 1000 metres on the slopes of Mount Solymos in the Taurus mountains. Thanks to its impenetrable location the ancient ruins are well-preserved, and in 333 BC Termessos even famously survived a siege by Alexander the Great, who, after failing to take the city, vented his anger on neighbouring Sagalassos instead. The setting of Termessos is possibly the most remote, most dramatic and most romantic of any ancient site in Turkey.
NOTE: Access to the main portion of Termessos requires approx 30-40 minutes up an uneven path. For those who prefer they can sit out the upper portion of the visit.

Termessos Natural Park is a mecca for birds, butterflies and a vast array of interesting mammals, thanks to its situation in the mountains, so remote that Alexander the Great failed to capture the ancient city of Termessos. The caracal (a rare Turkish wildcat) roams the Termessos National Park as well as more well known species such as porcupine, otter and golden jackal.

Burdur Archaeological Museum displays the key finds (including some superb statuary) from the ancient city of Sagalassos as well as finds from numerous other sites in the area including Haclar, Kurucay, Hoyucek, Yarminhoyuk, Uylupinar, Kibyra and Kremna. The museum has been recognised as one of Europe’s best archaeological museums.

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Day 4 : Sagalassos

Today you will visit the ancient site of Sagalassos before driving south to Phaselis. After visiting continue to Olympos for a visit of its ancient ruins. Overnight in Olympos.

Overnight in Villa Monte, Cirali

Meal plan: Breakfast

Spectacularly surrounded by mountains the ancient city of Sagalassos traces its origins back to 1200 BC though little is known of its first peoples, obliquely alluded to as “sea peoples”. It was later taken by Pisidians, and then Alexander the Great, before the Romans arrived. The site was abandoned in the 7th centrury after a huge tremor. Most remains are from the Roman era but there are also older remains. Key sites include the library, agora and theatre. Its beautiful, intricately-carved fountain is not to be missed.

The Eternal Flames of the Chimera at the top of Mount Olympos is a remarkable natural phenomenon. These flames issue from natural gas jets in the side of the hill, which will self ignite if put out. These are the flames that inspired the Greek myth of Bellarophon and the Chimera. Ranging in size from small flickers to decent size campfires, they're quite interesting, especially when you consider they've been burning for thousands of years.

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Day 5 : Demre - Mira - Kas

Today you will visit Demre and the nearby church of St Nicholas of Mira. Continue to Kas for overnight. 

Overnight in Hera Hotel, Kas

Meal plan: Breakfast

The region of Demre had a large Greek population until the 1923 agreement between Greece and Turkey in which Greeks migrated to Greece. Many Greek-style houses remain as a reminder of this time. Ruins in the area betray Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman influences.

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Day 6 : Xanthos Letoon & Patara

Today you will visit the ancient ruins of Patara, as well the UNESCO heritage site of Xantos Letoon. Return to Kas for overnight.

Overnight in Hera Hotel, Kas

Meal plan: Breakfast

Xanthos Letoon was best known in ancient times for its innovative funerary art. Previously the capital of Lycia, the city blended Lycian and Hellenistic art and architectural styles. Excavations have unearthed a wealth of bilingual ancient texts in both Greek and Lycian, which have helped scholars gain a better understanding of Lycian. Indeed one of the Xanthian Obelisks contains a tri-lingual inscription of Greek, Lycian and a 3rd Anatolian language, ‘Milyn’. The site was awarded UNESCO heritage status as far back as 1988.

Patara was once an important Lycian port and is known as the birthplace of St Nicholas. It was said to have been founded by a son of Apollo. Its long, uncrowded beach along the Mediterranean coast is a protected site because of the ancient ruins laying just inland from the beach. The ruins consist of a sand-swept theatre, a ruined basilica, and a necropolis with Lycian tombs.

St Nicholas of Myra was a bishop from the 4th century AD, who became the inspiration for Santa Claus, after his legendary habit of secret gift-giving. He was born in Patara and after his death became the patron saint of bakers, sailors and pawnbrokers. In the 6th century, a Byzantian Church was built on top of his tomb in Demre. The St Nicholas Church is a museum today.

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Day 7 : Dalyan

Drive to Dalyan to admire its beauty and visit its ancient sites. Overnight in Dalyan.

Overnight in Happy Caretta Hotel, Dalyan

Meal plan: Breakfast

Located just outside the riverside town of Dalyan are the ruins of Kaunos, an ancient Hellenistic-style city that dates back to around the 4th century. Dalyan is also known for its ornate Lycian tombs that have been carved into the cliffs along the Dalyan Cayi River.

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Day 8 : Aphrodisias

Drive to Aphrodisias for an extended visit to the remarkable UNESCO World Heritage site. Continue to Pamukkale for overnight.

Overnight in Melrose House Hotel, Pamukkale

Meal plan: Breakfast

Created in honour of the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, the ancient city of Aphrodisias boasts the best preserved ancient stadium in the whole of Asia Minor. Thanks to its nearby quarry, in Greek and Roman times the city had some of the best marble structures in the ancient world, and was a centre of excellence for marble statuary, exporting finished sculptures throughout the Roman world. The best surviving buildings include the Temple to Aphrodite (where orgies were held before it was converted to a church!), the Tetrapylon and the Bouleuterion, which was constructed between the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. The on site museum contains some beautiful statues.

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Day 9 : Hierapolis, Pamukkale & Laodikeia

Today you will visit the ancient site of Hierapolis as well as the natural formations known as the Travertines of Pamukkale. Drive to Laodikeia, the site of one of the seven ancient churches of Asia and visit this site, before driving to Kusadasi for overnight.

Overnight in Ilayda Hotel, Kusadasi

Meal plan: Breakfast

Deriving from springs in a cliff almost 200m high, overlooking the plain, calcite-laden waters have created at Pamukkale (translates to “Cotton Palace”) an unreal landscape, made up of mineral forests, petrified waterfalls and a series of terraced basins.

At the end of the 2nd century B.C. the dynasty of the Attalids, the kings of Pergamon, established the thermal spa of Hierapolis. The theatre is particularly outstanding. The ruins of the baths, temples and other Greek monuments can also be seen at the site. Along with Pammukale it was awarded UNESCO heritage status in 1988.

Laodikeia was settled continuously from 5500 BC to the 7th Century AD. As well as having a complex aqueduct system, it is also home to one of the "Seven Churches of Asia", mentioned in the bible, and where an important council took place in the 4th century building on the work of the Council of Nicaea. The church floor is covered with beautiful mosaics. There is also an agora, stadium and theatre at the site.

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Day 10 : Ephesus

Full day visit of the main site of Ephesus including its museum and the famous Celsus Library. You will be allowed time to visit the terraced houses (requires a lot of steps, additional entrance cost) if you like. Also visit the nearby sites of the temple of Artemis, and the hill of St. John’s.  Overnight Kusadasi.

Overnight in Ilayda Hotel, Kusadasi

Meal plan: Breakfast

Ephesus is one of the most magical sites in Turkey. Extremely well-preserved, the earliest structures of Ephesus date back to the 12th century BC. The main attractions today include an enormous theatre, the Temple of Hadrian, and the spectacular terraced houses once inhabited by wealthy Romans and adorned with exquisite mosaics. Fundamentally a Greek city, Ephesus was one of the Seven Churches of Asia mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and remained an important religious centre for much of Turkey’s ancient history. Its coastal location also facilitated its role as an ancient trading centre.

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was one of the original 7 wonders of the ancient world and its location was rediscovered in 1869, after 60 years of searching. The original temple dates back to the Bronze Age and after being rebuilt 3 times since then, only the ruined foundations remain.

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Day 11 : Priene - Miletus - Didim

Today you will visit Priene, Miletus and Didim. Return to Kusadasi for overnight.

Overnight in Ilayda Hotel, Kusadasi

Meal plan: Breakfast & dinner

Priene was originally one of the cities of the Ionian League, gaining a reputation for its spectacular ancient art and architecture. However, the city’s original location on top of Mount Mycale has never been discovered so most of the remains date to the later Hellenistic period. The most striking sites include the Temple of Athena which was founded by Alexander the Great, the ancient Greek theatre, and the remains of the sanctuaries to Zeus and Demeter, the goddess of harvest.

Miletus was an important city in the Selcuk era thanks to its location on the western coast of Anatolia. In the 14th century Selcuk Turks captured the city, and used it as a centre for trade with Venice. Archaeological findings, however, suggest Miletus dates back as far as Neolithic times, and during the Classical period its grid-layout became the model for Roman city structures. The incredible Market Gate of Miletus was transported back to Germany piece by piece in the late 1970s and now stands fully restored there.

Most of the artefacts and archaeological finds from Miletus are now located in the Museum of Miletus at Didim, the town which contains Didyma. Meaning ‘twins’ in Greek, Didyma once housed the second most important oracle in the Ancient World after Delphi, the Oracle of Apollo. The name ‘twins’ likely refers to the cult of sibling gods, Apollo and Artemis, which was established there. The ancient sanctuary was destroyed by the Persians in the 5th century BC, but the striking Temple of Apollo is still fairly well-preserved, and some interesting ancient friezes and temple columns can still be found around the site.

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Day 12 : Sardis - Pergamon

After breakfast proceed to Sardis, the capital of the ancient Lydia. Then continue to Pergamon where you will visit the Acroplois, the Asclepion and the Red Basilica. Overnight in Pergamon.

Overnight in Berksoy Hotel, Pergamon

Meal plan: Breakfast & dinner

Sardis played a significant role in both the Persian and Roman Empires and was once the capital of ancient Lydia. One of the Seven Churches of Asia according to the Book of Revelation in the Bible, Sardis also formed the setting for Aeschylus’ ‘The Persians’ and gained standing for its military strength. The first excavations in the early 20th century unearthed the impressive Temple of Artemis. Other important sites are the old gymnasium and synagogue.

"The abode of Satan" is how the ‘Book of Revelation’ describes the ancient city of Pergamon. The Red Basilica, a temple built to honour Egyptian deities, was believed to be the site of the Devil's Throne. Up a hill at the edge of town, the Acropolis consists of a library that was second only to Alexandria's and contained over 200,000 books and scrolls, a dramatically steep theatre, and the remains of Zeus' altar that was extensively plundered by German archaeologists and rebuilt in Berlin in 1930. The Asclepieion, a medical centre founded in the 4th century BC, was one of the ancient world's most important and counted dream analysis, mud baths, herbs, oil massage and sunbathing amongst its cures.

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Day 13 : Canakkale - Ancient Troy

Drive to Canakkale. Visit the Ancient City of Troy. If there is time go for a quick swim at Dardanelles Sea. Overnight in Canakkale.

Overnight in Iris Hotel, Çanakkale

Meal plan: Breakfast & dinner

Ancient Troy is one of the most legendary cities in all of history. Dating back to the fourth millennium BC, Troy is best known from the ancient folk-tales recorded in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey as the site of the Trojan War. Ancient historians have dated the Trojan War between the 12th and 14th centuries BC, linking it to Troy VII – the 7th archaeological project of Troy. The ancient city also features in Aeschylus’ Oresteia, in which war-hero Agamemnon returns from Troy to be murdered by his wife, Clytemnestra. By the time of Augustus a new settlement known as Ilium was established nearby, which declined until the Byzantine era.

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Day 14 : Cumalizik - Iznik (Nicaea) - Istanbul

Early start. Drive to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Cumalizik for a visit before continuing to Iznik (a.k.a. Nicaea), where the famous Christian council took place. You will visit the Church of Hagia Sophia, a mosque and now small archaeology museum where you can stop to see Iznik's famous ceramics tiles being made. ​Drive to Istanbul for overnight.

Overnight in Novotel Bosphorus Hotel, Istanbul

Meal plan: Breakfast

Cumalizik was inscribed in the UNESCO heritage list since 2014. It has 270 historical houses built in a traditional Ottoman architectural style, most of which are still in residential use.

Iznik, historically known as Nicaea, is a town in the province of Bursa. The town lies to the east of Lake Iznik and is surrounded by hills to the north and the south. Iznik was established as a centre for the production of pottery and has since become famous for the unique blue and white ceramics. It is most famous for the Chritstian council that took place here in 325 AD, where a common set of beliefs was set out for all Christians in what became known as the Nicaean Creed.

Haghia Sophia of Iznik can be found in the centre of Iznik. The building served as a Byzantium church, before later becoming a mosque during the reign of Orhan Gazi (1281 - 1362). It is now a museum where visitors can learn more about Iznik's rich history. 

Sitting on the Bosphorus, Istanbul is one of the world’s truly great cities - overflowing with culture and historical sites. World class attractions such as the exquisite Hagia Sofia and the Blue Mosque, excellent bars and restaurants, jaw-dropping architecture, vibrant markets and a history of epic proportions makes Istanbul a city par excellence.

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Day 15 : Departure

Transfer to Istanbul airport.

Meal plan: Breakfast



All accommodation subject to availability. Final accommodation choices will be confirmed after booking.

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Dogan Hotel

Antalya (2 nights)

Dogan Hotel is located in the historic Kaleiçi District of Antalya only 100 metres from the beach. It has an outdoor pool with sun-lounger terrace and offers rooms with balconies and panoramic views. Guestrooms have hardwood floors and traditional décor. They include modern wood furnishings and come equipped with air conditioning, satellite TV and a private bathroom. 

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Sagalassos Lodge & Spa

Burdur (1 night)

All rooms have a balcony with mountain views and there are extensive spa facilities, including an outdoor and indoor pool, sauna and hammam.

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Villa Monte

Cirali (1 night)

With a picturesque garden and cozy architecture, the hotel Villa Monte is only 200m from the Cirali beach. It offers comfortable rooms equipped with air-conditioning and a a restaurant with light Mediterranean cuisine made from fresh, local ingredients.

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Hera Hotel

Kas (2 nights)

Found on the southern edge of Kas on Turkey’s beautiful Mediterranean coastline, the Hera Hotel offers excellent access to both relaxing beach and stimulating culture-based activities. Rooms are spacious and bright, and offer en-suites and all modern amenities as standard, with sea views subject to availability. Guests may dine in the hotel restaurant – also offering sea views – or in one of many nearby restaurants, and make use of the open-air pool area. Nearby historical attractions include the Antiphellos Ancient City, Kaya Mezarlari and Kral Mezan.

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Happy Caretta Hotel

Dalyan (1 night)

Caretta Caretta is a family-run hotel located in the centre of Dalyan and is named after the sea turtles who live on the nearby Iztuzu beach. The hotel provides comfortable rooms and a relaxed atmosphere and they use locally purchased and recycled materials to promote sustainability. There is a rooftop terrace where traditional breakfast is served and activities take place.

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Melrose House Hotel

Pamukkale (1 night)

The Melrose House Hotel is located close to the centre of Pamukkale. It offers traditional Turkish meals in the restaurant and garden dining area by the swimming pool. Free Wi-Fi is available and all rooms have air-conditioning.

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Ilayda Hotel

Kusadasi (3 nights)

The air-conditioned units at Hotel Ilayda Avantgarde feature a flat-screen TV, a minibar and a safety deposit box. The private bathrooms include a shower, hairdryer and free toiletries. Free Wi-fi is available. The hotel also features a pool, bar, lobby bar, snack bar and restaurant as well as and outdoor swimming pool. 24 hour reception and room service available. The hotel is 50 meters away from the beach and is within easy access to the shopping area. Nearby attractions includes Pigeon Island.

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Berksoy Hotel

Pergamon (1 night)

Berksoy Hotel offers comfortable accommodation with modernly furnished rooms that feature private balconies looking out over the lush gardens. All of the rooms are air-conditioned and there is free Wi-Fi available. There is a restaurant providing quality dishes, and a bar/lounge to relax in at the end of the day.

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Iris Hotel

Çanakkale (1 night)

Situated on the beach in Guzelyali, this 4-star hotel is only 10 km from the ancient city of Troy. It has a tennis court and a spacious outdoor pool with sun-lounger terrace.

Rooms at the Iris Hotel are decorated in neutral colours and feature balconies with panoramic views. They have modern furnishings and come equipped with air conditioning, free Wi-Fi, and satellite TV.

In the morning guests can enjoy a buffet breakfast with fresh fruit. There is a bar that serves cocktails and a restaurant with outdoor seating in the garden. Room service is available 24-hours a day.

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Novotel Bosphorus Hotel

Istanbul (1 night)

Located in the trendy Karakoy harbour-side area of Istanbul, the contemporary Novotel Bosphorus Hotel provides an ideal base from which to explore the city - a stone's throw from the main sites of Sultanahmet but situtated in a more local area. Modern rooms offer flat-screen TVs, air conditioning and complimentary Wi-Fi. Facilities at the hotel include an indoor swimming pool, sauna, steam bath, Turkish bath and massage services, and the on-site restaurant - with superb views over the Bosphorus - is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and serves excellent Turkish and international cuisine.

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We greatly enjoyed visiting the ancient sites of Western Turkey with an experienced guide and seeing the remains of so many different periods and cultures. The scenery was spectacular and we felt that the tour gave us a wonderful introduction to the country.

Michael Wilson , Archaeology of Western Turkey, Turkey

I would not hesitate in using Travel the Unknown for any future journeys to off the beaten track destinations.

Andrea Selfridge , Tailormade Turkey

I had a lovely time in Turkey. Both of the tours that were part of the package were fabulous, both tour guides were very knowledgeable and made the trips very interesting providing plenty of information, and the places where we went for lunches as part of the trip were superb. David McGuinness is a credit to Travel the Unknown, he goes that `extra mile` to keep customer happy. I`d like to say a huge `thank you` for all the help you gave me organising and planning my trip. I certainly will recommend anyone to use you for planning their `unknown` destination holiday. The emails, telephone calls were all spot on, well done :-) :-)

Jane Kimberley , The Magic of Cappadocia, Turkey

I went on this trip rather than all the other interesting possibilities in the world because I wanted to go to Gobekli Tepe. Being there was all I could have hoped for. It was a stunning experience and I was moved to tears. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Regarding the food, the olives were the best I`ve ever tasted. And the yoghurt is fabulous. Also the cheese and pistachios and apricots. Oh yes, and the watermelon : ) Thanks to David too for being so patient with my endless questions

Cynthia Bishop , Eastern Turkey Explorer, Turkey

Travel the Unknown were very responsive to my personal wishes, and flexible enough to make this a fantastic tour- we covered a lot in a limited time. Guides were pleasant and informative, and the transport was excellent.

John Colligan , Eastern Turkey Snapshot & archaeology extension

We were fortunate to book a private trip to Turkey with Travel the Unknown. All aspects exceeded our expectations: booking the trip, the guides and personalized tours, transport, accommodation and the food! Our tour operator on the ground was the best! She went out of her way to ensure a wonderful and special experience of Turkey and the private gulet cruise.

Johanna, Shiree, & Madelein , Tailormade Turkey

Travel the Unknown is an excellent company to chose for a real travel experience. It was a fabulous holiday where we felt we saw a different side to Turkey and saw sights and had experiences that were once in a lifetime events. I would certainly recommend them to anyone wanting to have new experiences and see the true side of a country.

Neil , Ancient Anatolia & Eastern Turkey

This was my third trip with Travel the Unknown and I was just as fully satisfied as on our previous trips. Rahul and his staff are extremely responsive and knowledgeable. Our original itinerary involved areas that were affected by the recent earthquake in Turkey, so the itinerary had to be modified. Rahul accomplished this in a seamless fashion and created a trip that was as interesting, and more varied, than the original one. Kudos for that.

Stephen Kamin , Eastern Turkey Explorer

As a worldwide traveller, explorer & author travelling through COVID times, my trip with Travel The Unknown was a perfect choice for my adventure in Turkey. As a solo booking , I didn’t need the usual tourist bling. I knew what I wanted to see and the company chose the best guide I could have wished for. No fuss. Dealing with my preferences. This company know exactly what they are doing with complete knowledge of their guests, countries and Travel passage. I highly recommend Travel the Unknown.

Tessa Skola , Tailormade Eastern Turkey

Charming people organising the trip and acting as guides. An inspirational visit taking us to out of the way places we would never have had the chance to visit. The personal touch Travel the Unknown brings sets them apart.

Caroline & Peter , Eastern Turkey Snapshot, Turkey

This trip was an amazing and very exhilarating experience. We had high hopes of Gobekli Tepe, which were totally fulfilled- it is utterly amazing, but we had not anticipated some of the other gems to be so exceptional as well. We were a small group, which made the trip very personal. Altogether it was a marvellous week, helped by having a caring guide and an excellent driver.

Joy Lawley , Eastern Turkey Snapshot, Turkey

A great way to travel to some of the more remote and interesting places in the world. It was a very interesting area and we saw a lot that we would never have managed on our own. I would recommend the holiday to others.

Marion McCallum , Eastern Turkey Snapshot, Turkey
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